I have been enjoying visiting blogs and decided to start my own, even though I don't know what I am doing or if anyone will even be interested in reading what I have to say. I am a 50 year old management consultant who has been married to the the love of my life for 30 years and have two grown daughters and a son-in-law who we are very proud of. We are blessed to live in Scottsdale Arizona and are enjoying getting out and experiencing it in our RV! Thanks for stopping by our blog and please consider joining us, who knows where we will go...Kevin & Tracy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Well its that wonderful time of the year here in Arizona when the days become shorter and cooler and the nights start to get down right cold! (Well we say that its cold anytime it gets below 50, so we are wimps when it comes to cold weather!)

Along with this change comes the decision each year as to whether I am going to put in the time, energy and money to scalp our summer lawn (which actually stays green until the end of October) and plant winter rye, so that we can enjoy the green grass all year long and continue to mow :(. 

Before Scalping, Actually Looks Nice and Green!

After Scalping, Brown and Ugly!

Well the one year I didn't plant a winter lawn in the last 20 years, our house became the site for a family Christmas celebration, with family coming in from all over the country.  Well we had an ugly, brown, dead lawn with the kids and parents complaining about being covered in dead grass.

So this weekend, I worked for several hours scalping the lawn followed by my annual trek to Home Depot to spend $89 for 50lbs of perennial ryegrass.  I spread the seed night before last and the birds are having a field day eating it.  I thought a few were going to fall over dead or at least not be able to fly, because they were so full of my expensive ryegrass. 
So, now that the lawn is in, it will be guaranteed that no one will want to come for Christmas this year, even though our yard will look beautiful.:( 

I know many of you are reading this and saying thank goodness we don't have our sticks and bricks anymore and don't have to deal with planting grass each year.  I feel the same way and look forward to not having to do it for too many more years!  

So I will continue to chase the birds away and make sure that the water is coming on four times each day to keep the seed wet, and hopefully I will have some pictures of nice lush green grass to share in the near future.  

Thanks for the visit and hope you are somewhere where the weather is as nice as it is now in Arizona!


  1. Your a real trooper Kevin. :) I like my rocks, no water, no mowing. But I do enjoy looking at nice green grass.
    Loving our lower temps now here in Tucson also. Winter folks are flocking back to out little Village

  2. Kathy and I are truly glad to be rid of the Sticks and Bricks but here is a suggestion. Once you have planted your winter grass this year it should continue to grow every year being that it is Perennial (Means it will continue to grow every year) seed. By not stripping the lawn and just applying a lighter coating of seed every fall it will thicken you existing grass, requiring less seed, less water and you won't have any obese birds lounging on your lawn requiring geriatric care. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Your winter lawn should look nice, and now no one will come for Christmas. So you can go campin!
