We have been following Dave Ramsey for the last three or so
years and wish we would have found him twenty years ago. I have listened to many couples either call
into Dave’s radio show or visit him in person to share their debt free screams. I have to admit that I get a lump in my
throat and become a little misty eyed when I hear people share their
Many people share the mental change they have made
identifying “needs” versus “wants”, naming every dollar by creating budgets,
holding budget meetings and becoming gazelle intense to accomplish their goal
of not being a slave to a lender.
Well I have to admit that Tracy has always been the saver
and I have always been the spender in our family. My spending temptation has always been cars
and Tracy and I counted 20 of them in the last 32 years that I just had to
have. My thought was that if I could
afford the minimum payment, I could afford the car….wrong!
I know that many of you reading this post are debt free as
well and that is what attracts me to the RV lifestyle in particular. Not having
a lot of stuff and only having those things which a person absolutely needs is
a great way to live, especially to those of us who desire to yell that we are
debt free.
Dave Ramsey walks followers through a series of seven “Baby Steps”
which enable people to acquire their emergency fund, pay off debt using the
Debt Snowball, save 3 to 6 months of expenses, invest 15% for retirement, fund
their children’s education, pay off their house and live and give like no one
We started this process over three years ago and through God's blessings, I am happy
to report that we too are debt free. I would
like to say that it was easy or that we found a shortcut to Dave’s process, but
I can’t. What I can say is that although
we have sacrificed significantly over the last three years, Dave’s Baby Steps really
work, I just wish that we had found them twenty years earlier.
When Tracy and I went into our local credit union to pay off
our home mortgage 16 years early, the teller said that no one had ever done
that in his four years of employment and he wasn’t sure what to do. We were glad that with a few phone calls that
he figured it out and we were off to lunch to celebrate the accomplishment of
our goal!
So although we won’t be joining those who shout “we are debt
free” standing just outside Dave’s radio studio in Brentwood Tennessee, we
will be celebrating our new freedom by
working on Baby Step Seven so that we can live and give like no one else in 2015
and beyond!